The A7 Motorway is located near Hamburg in Germany. The project became operational in December 2019 and receives availability payments from the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Free City of Hamburg and the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein.

The project consists of the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of 65 kilometre widening of a section of the A7 motorway between Neumünster and Hamburg. The project includes 11 interchanges, six parking facilities and four rest areas, various civil engineering structures and a 550-metre noise enclosure tunnel. The increased efficiency of the A7 motorway will help to minimise any increase in exhaust emissions from the higher traffic load by reducing congestion and traffic jams and is expected to achieve a consistent traffic flow and uniform driving speeds.

Environmental impact assessments on the project have been performed, whereby all potentially affected Natura 2000 sites, habitats and species have been analysed, including habitats and species placed beyond Natura 2000 sites.