“OPS E18 Kristiansand – Grimstad” is a stretch of road totaling 38 km. In addition to the four-lane motorway and 7 tunnels with a total length of 13.1 km, the project includes 61 bridges and 75 km of secondary roads. This project significantly improved road traffic safety, as well as providing greater access to the area. The project includes six major bridges and seven tunnels. The tunnels have a total length of 12 km, of which the shortest tunnel is 150 meters long, and the longest 2.2 km.
In August 2009, the E18 Highway was opened by the King of Norway. The dual carriageway carves through a very rugged and extremely beautiful landscape. This new section of highway between Grimstad and Kristiansand in Norway is part of the trunk road from Oslo to Kristiansand and is a key element of the transport corridor between southern Norway and the Continent as well as an important connection between the two cities.