This project involves the design, build, finance and maintenance of three new secondary schools for the Scottish Borders Council.

Set in the wild and atmospheric landscape of the Scottish Borders, the designs of Eyemouth, Berwickshire and Earlston high schools are truly striking and each has a real sense of place in keeping with their locations. These schools are the most environmentally advanced in Scotland. Each school has high ceilings to maximize daylight, assist natural ventilation and improve air quality. The modern ventilation systems also reduce energy use and noise pollution.

The school buildings are modern with superb facilities such as technology, science, arts and crafts and sports, as well as open-planned areas for dining and socialising. Furthermore, the schools boast modern, well equipped kitchens and serving areas to allow for the preparation of high-quality food. The schools became operational in 2009 and the concession runs until 2038.

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