The fundamentals
Based on portfolio value at 30 June 2024.
Investment Type
100% availability-style revenue stream.
Investment Status
Low-risk operational portfolio.
Geographical Split
Geographically diversified in stable developed countries.
Sector Split
Well-diversified sector exposure with large allocation to lower-risk availability-style road and bridge investments.
Investment life
Long investment life with 40 per cent of portfolio by value with a duration of greater than or equal to 20 years; of which 6 per cent of the portfolio are non-concession assets delivering dividends and growth into the future for shareholders.
Top five investments
Well-diversified portfolio with no major single asset exposure.
Investment Ownership
80 per cent of assets by value in the portfolio are 50 per cent owned or greater.
Country Rating
All assets located in countries with ratings between AA and AAA.
Counterparty Exposure
FM contractor / O&M contractor1
1 When a project has more than one FM contractor and/or O&M contractor the exposure is allocated equally among the contractors.